
FULL MOON in Leo Feb 12, 2025

Welcome to The Full Moon in Leo on February 12, 2025

Leo ♌️ is about leadership, getting noticed and loving your life.

Leo rules the heart so I’m not surprised that 24 HEART popped up in The Power of 8  Lenormand cards for this special day.

The 24 heart card is about taking leadership into doing and enjoying the things you love.

2 + 4 equals 6 … the number of harmony on the family - so this could be about enjoying your kids/family and hanging out with them more at this time.

This is February 12 which adds up to 3.

Three is the number of communication.
We could use this Leo energy to be better communicators. Listening and learning with others. 

We could also use the loving Leo leadership energy to hang out with higher vibe people.

Removing the toxic elements in our lives. 

February 12 is also a K♦️ day.

King of Diamonds mirrors the feeling of the Leo Kingly energy.

 It’s a good time for business deals and making some Leo money (especially for entrepreneurs.)

In fact, the full moon in Leo is near the star Regulus, which means King.
Full moons highlight something coming into completion in our lives. 

For example, if you are a Leo, then the full moon in your 1st house of self could mean your identity and the way you do relationships is changing.
Watch your short (but sweet) videos on what to do for full moon:













Have a happy Full Moon!

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