
Aquarius Personality & Traits

Aquarius ♒️ Personality

Are you an Aquarius Sun or rising or have a progressive friend who’s one?

I am an Aquarius too!  

Intuition enhancing gemstones like Amethyst and Labradorite are fan favourites.

Don’t be upset about our aloofness, we’re 10 years ahead of our time and always thinking ahead. 

Without Aquarius there wouldn’t be evolution.

We’re stubborn AF so don’t waste your breath arguing. We’re genius, rebellious and damn cranky all at once.


Aquarians are born different. 

Ruled by Saturn (the rigid and wise old planet) and Uranus (the young rebellious planet of technology, changes and reform) … 

well half the time we don’t know if we’re coming or going. Bear with us. 

Our jobs are scientific, data driven educational and progressive. Quantum sciences are interesting.

Buy us an Aquamarine or amethyst chakra bracelet, some crypto currency, uranium and platinum stocks, or a new electronic device (the newest iPhone hint hint) and we’ll be forever yours!

Let your Aquarian explore all the things. 

Let them be free to help humanity, let them learn their astrology, aliens, metaphysics and technology. 

Don’t be clingy and you’ll keep them forever. 

Your Aquarian Intuitive Guide

Helping You Navigate Life’s Energies 
 #themoontreedotorg #aquarius #aquariuspersonality #aquariustraits #intuitiveastrology 

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