
November 6-7, 2021 Intuitive Energy Forecast • 4. The Emperor

✨Cosmic Weather Report✨
Saturday Nov 6, 2021 - Sun Nov 7 2021

* Sun in Scorpio ♏️ (water)
* Moon in Sagittarius ♐️ (fire)
* 4 The Emperor (The LightSeer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne)

Adam DeVine (from JEXI & Pitch Perfect), Danny DeVito, Ivanka Trump and Kelly Osbourne are Scorpios - perceptive and powerful - with their Moons in Sagittarius (spontaneous and freedom-loving).

Sun is opposite Uranus on Saturday. Feelings of restlessness and powerful new spiritual insights may make result in some eccentric behaviour.

We might also have a sudden revelation concerning necessary changes that we need to make in our lives.

These changes may have been waiting in the wings for some time, and we should use the Emperor to focus the energy towards a future plan.

If you’d like some intuitive direction in your life, I can help you at:


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