
Free Choose-a-Card Oracle

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The Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple & Jude Buffum

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A. Queen of Swords (Blue Kyanite)

This Queen is logical and analytical. 

Wisdom and clarity of thought are good things to have in a confusing world.

Blue Kyanite will cut through the cobwebs in your 3rd eye chakra, and cut through any nonsense so that you can take charge of your life and make the right decision.

B. The Wheel of Fortune 10 (Amethyst)

The end of a chapter is near. The opportunity to choose a new course is offered to you.  

Decide where you want the wheel to land and visualize this using Purple Amethyst. 

The crown chakra connects you to the Universe and reminds us of karma:  we have free will and responsibility in making our own choices. 

Choose happy! 

Amethyst clears and balances all the chakras and helps you to relax and have a good rest.

C. The Sun 19 (Carnelian)

Vibrant health, happiness and success are available to you! 

With the Sun, we can expect to experience the wonderful joy of life.

Carnelian balances the orange Sacral

chakra; it brings us back to our creative side and our joie-de-vivre. 

Happiness in all forms is here and carnelian can bring back that nourishing creativity we sometimes forget about in our busy world.

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